% The following two packages let the poster use standard PostScript
% fonts. This makes sure the poster prints nicely on every PostScript pinter.
% Please do NOT use Computer Modern fonts!


\usepackage{amsmath} % Use special AMS-math environments

\usepackage{color} % We can use colour in the poster.
\usepackage{epsfig} % Enable the inclusion of images.
\usepackage{graphicx} % Enable the inclusion of images.
\usepackage{graphics} % Enable the inclusion of images.

\usepackage{multicol} % More control over multi-column format
\usepackage{vmargin} % Set margins
\usepackage{array} % More control over tables

\setpapersize{A4} % Create your poster on A4 format

% The following numbers determine the margins.
\setmarginsrb{0.8cm}% left margin
{10mm}% top margin
{0.8cm}% right margin
{10mm}% bottom margin
{0mm}{0mm}{0mm}{0mm}% not needed -- related to headers and footers

% Some useful mathematical symbols

% Command to create a blue horizontal line


\pagestyle{empty} % no page numbers please

\blueline % create a blue horizontal line

{\Huge\color{blue}An example poster for the SCEE-2004 Conference}\\[5mm]
{\Large C. Milazzo}\\[5mm]
{\Large Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica}\\[5mm]
{\Large University of Catania}\\[5mm]
e-mail: \texttt{cmilazzo@dmi.unict.it}

\blueline % create a blue horizontal line
\vspace{1cm} % 1 cm vertical spacing

\begin{multicols}{2} % use 2 columns for the rest of the poster

The 5th International Conference on Scientific Computing in
Electrical Engineering SCEE 2004 will be organised from 5 to 9
September, 2004, in Capo D'Orlando, Italy. This conference, which
has been organised twice before as a German conference and form
2000 as an international conference, will again aim at an
international audience. To stress this fact, the conference will
this year be organised in Italy. We aim to reach both
mathematicians and electrical engineers, both from industry and
from the academic world.

This is an example poster for the SCEE-2004 Conference. It is
created on A4 format, but can be printed on A1 format to give a
typical poster. Of course, you are free to modify this basic
outline at will.

The Maxwell equations are given below.

\rot \mathbf{E} &= - \frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t}, \label{eq:maxwell1} \\
\rot \mathbf{H} &= \mathbf{J} + \frac{\partial \mathbf{D}}{\partial t}, \label{eq:maxwell2} \\
\div \mathbf{D} &= \rho, \label{eq:maxwell3} \\
\div \mathbf{B} &= 0. \label{eq:maxwell4}
Note that we can refer to individual equations, such as
\eqref{eq:maxwell3} or \eqref{eq:maxwell4}. It is also possible to
include tables.
symbol & name & unit \\[2mm] \hline \hline
$\mathbf{E}$ & electric field & $\frac{\mathrm{V}}{\mathrm{m}}$(Volt per meter)\\[2mm] \hline
$\mathbf{H}$ & magnetic field & $\frac{\mathrm{A}}{\mathrm{m}}$(Ampere per meter)\\[2mm] \hline
$\mathbf{D}$ & electric flux & $\frac{\mathrm{C}}{\mathrm{m}^2}$(Coulomb per square meter)\\[2mm] \hline
$\mathbf{B}$ & magnetic flux & $\mathrm{T}$ (Tesla) \\[2mm] \hline
$\mathbf{J}$ & electric current & $\frac{\mathrm{A}}{\mathrm{m}^2}$(Ampere per square meter)\\[2mm] \hline
$\rho$ & electric charge & $\frac{\mathrm{C}}{\mathrm{m}^3}$(Coulomb per cubic meter)\\[2mm] \hline

The SCEE2004 conference will address the following topics:
\item Electromagnetics
\item Circuit simulation
\item Coupled problems
\item Generic Mathematical and Computational Methods

\section{More on figures}
It is possible to include PostScript figures in a poster. It is
also possible to include colored figures.\\[2mm]
\includegraphics[angle=90, width=0.5\textwidth]{dens1.ps}

We hope it is clear how to create a poster. With the example
poster provided, it is possible to create a poster that includes
text, equations and figures.


\blueline % create a blue horizontal line
\vspace{1cm} % 1 cm vertical spacing
